5 tips for Google+ Collections


Google+ recently unveiled a new feature, called Collections, that allows users to start categorizing their posts, photos and videos by topic. Collections differ from Pages or Communities, in that you are the only person modifying the content, and the posts will appear in your profile stream for followers. This feature is currently available for Android and the Web only, with iOS to follow later, according to Google.

To get you started, Google has created a GIF (seen above) that displays how to create your first collection (from the Android perspective). The steps on the Web are just as simple: click on Home menu in the upper left-hand corner, choose Collections, then click the Create a collection button. Fill out the name, set the visibility permission, then click Create. When the collection page loads, click Customize to change the header image and page accent color.
Now that you have a collection of your own, here are five tips for using this new feature:
  • Since you cannot change the visibility setting for a collection, you may want to consider choosing a specific circle of people you can edit later.
  • You are automatically following the collections of people in your circles. Head to the Collections area on Google+ to manage which collections you follow.
  • Previous posts can be moved into new collections you have created by clicking the arrow to the right of the share icon. Only public posts can be moved to public collections.
  • If you have several posts you want to move to a collection, do them all at once so Google groups them and prevents you from spamming your followers.
  • You can share an entire collection by visiting that collection's page and copying the URL, or by clicking the share button (arrow) to post it on your stream.
Now you're set to start making and organizing your collections on Google+. Have another tip for this new feature? Share it in the comments below.
