10 Life Hacks Every Engineering Student Needs to Master

As an engineering student, you will most likely be using up most of your time studying and trying to pass your subjects. This leaves you with minimal time with other things, like cooking, doing your laundry, etc. That’s why we are presenting you with some life hacks that will help your engineering life a bit easier.

#1 If the temperature in your dorm room is rising and you don’t have a cooling fan, or by some chance you don’t have electricity, hang a damp towel in front of an open window. It’s important to make sure your room is conducive for learning, so make sure your room is at a healthy temperature. Source: Blogspot

 #2 If you want to have loud music for a change but don’t have enough money to buy a high-end speaker, use what you’ve learned in your physics or engineering acoustics class and make one yourself. Source: OSX Daily

 #3 Do you have a difficult time getting out of bed? Place your phone into an empty glass before you sleep. This will create and echo chamber effect and makes the sound by a few decibels. You’ll never miss an alarm again.

#4 Want to heat two bowls in a microwave? Here’s how. Source: Study International

 #5 Use the theory of supercooling when you want to chill your warm drinks instantly. Cover your beer/soda bottle with a damp tissue paper and pop it in the fridge, it’ll get chilled in just a few minutes. Source: Imgur

 #6 When you’re giving a presentation in class, tell a friend to ask a particular question beforehand. By doing so, you’ll already know the answer. Read more What Not to Do When Engineers are Faced With Conflict at Work Source: Giphy

#7 Meme fonts can actually help in your presentation. Source: Reddit

 #8 If you’re stomped with a really difficult concept you have to research about but have very little time left. Go to Google and type in the subject matter & filetype:ppt. You’ll get free lecture PowerPoints Source: Study International

 #9 Forgot your textbook? Once again, go to Google and type the name of the textbook + filetype:pdf. You’ll be able to search the web for online copies. Source: Study International

 #10 Learn the Pomodoro Technique and become a productivity expert Source: Fractus Learning Millenial engineers are blasted with distractions, from social media to online games. So this is a surefire way you get your job done.
